Ginter Zsófi
PhD student
I completed my masters degree in Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience at ELTE in 2024, which I originally started to level up my research skills gained in the past decade as a user experience researcher. During my masters studies and my thesis I already had the chance to collaborate with the team of the Babylab, and I've continued this work in the cognitive psychology doctoral programme since then. My area of research is the early development of affect regulation and its overlaps with cognitive development, I am particularly interested in understanding how the mother-infant relationship influences the development of emotional competences, with a focus on the preverbal age group. Currently I am working on my own study exploring the impact of maternal stress on infant learning. Meanwhile I am also contributing to the main research program of the Babylab studying the emergence of episodic memory, in which I am focusing on a particular area: how parental reminiscing styles influence the development of emotional competences.