Andrási Krisztin
Researcher, Adjunct Professor
I joined the lab during the Fall of 2015, as I conducted a study for my master thesis with the help of the Babylab. The aim of the study was to explore whether preschooler aged children generalize information acquired from an in-group model compared to an out-group model differently. After graduation, I worked as a research assistant in the Babylab at the Central European University for 2 years. I rejoined the ELTE Babylab in the Fall of 2018, as a PhD student. As part of my PhD research, I am interested in exploring how children come to understand social conventions; more specifically, the fact that these are community-bound (as opposed to moral norms which are universal) and that therefore their scope of applicability may change from situation to situation.
Courses, Thesis topics:
Infant and Child Study (PSZB17-132:2) - in Hungarian
Research field practice in Cognitive/Affective Psychology (PSZB17-114)
Social Cognition (with Katalin Oláh) (PSZM17-KF-105)
Research Methods Practical 1. (PSYB17-131)
Thesis Topics:
Cultural learning in preschool children, in experimental-based interactive situations (for example, the impact of a teacher’s group membership on long-term learning, understanding social conventions in preschool age).
In preparation:
Andrási, K., Oláh, K., Zsoldos, R. A., & Király, I. Preschoolers retain more details from event sequences one week following an in-group demonstration. Preprint: https://psyarxiv.com/mrf5z/
Andrási, K., & Király, I. (2023). “The Red Spots Are Now Lava, We Shouldn’t Step on Them”—The Joint Creation of Novel Arbitrary Social Contexts in Pretend Play. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science. https://doi.org/10.1162/opmi_a_00082
Andrási, K., Schvajda, R., Király, I. (2022). Young children expect pretend object identities to be known only by their partners in joint pretence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 40(3), 398–409.
Andrási, K., Schvajda, R., Elekes, F., & Király., I. (2022). A közös figyelem fejlődése és jelentősége csecsemőkorban. In: Zsidó, N. A., & Lábadi, B. (szerk.) Figyelem a gyakorlatban. Akadémiai Kiadó.
Cristina, I. Galusca, C., I, Andrási, K., & Csibra, G. (2022). Kind-relevant information supports the fast-mapping of novel labels. Proceedings of the 46th Boston University Conference on Language Development, 203-215.