Dr. Márton Nagy
Researcher, Adjunct Professor
Main areas of research: Processes related to episodic memory, conscious experience in memory, eye movements and memory processes, visual and multimodal statistical learning..
(36-1) 461-2600/5678
Courses, Thesis topics
Eye-tracking and looking time methods PSZM17-KF-212:2 - in Hungarian and in English
Advanced statistics and data analysis practice PSZM17-206 - in Hungarian
Computer programming CCNM17-213 - in English
Thesis Topics:
Experimental investigation of episodic memory
Memory processes in eye movements
Memory, learning processes in pupillometry
Zolnai, T., Dávid, D., Pesthy, O., Nemeth, M., Kiss, M., Nagy, M., & Nemeth, D. (2022). Measuring statistical learning by eye-tracking. Experimental Results, 3, E10. doi:10.1017/exp.2022.8
Lengyel, G., Nagy, M., & Fiser, J. (2021). Statistically defined visual chunks engage object-based attention. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1–12.
Avarguès-Weber, A., Finke, V., Nagy, M., Szabó, T., d’Amaro, D., Dyer, A. G., & Fiser, J. (2020). Different mechanisms underlie implicit visual statistical learning in honey bees and humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(41), 25923-25934.
Linnert, S., Tóth, B., Nagy, M., Parise, E., & Király, I. (2019). Neural signatures of recognition memory in 10-to 12-month-old infants. Neuropsychologia, 126, 75-81.
Nagy, M., & Király, I. (2018). Evidence of relational retrieval, even in the absence of the relational eye movement effect (REME). Consciousness and cognition, 66, 40-53.
Nagy, M. G. (2017). Recollection in the light of eye movements: The relational eye movement effect and its role in recollection. PhD Dissertation.
Nagy, M., Király, I., & Kónya, A. (2013). Az asszociatív emlékezet fejlődése 6-10 éves és felnőttkor között. 33, 3, 169-184, Pszichológia
Linnert, Sz., Tóth, B., Nagy, M., Tompa, T., Halász, E., Király, I. (2012). How familiarity and novelty modulate the Nc component in 12-month-old infants?: An ERP study. In: Király, Ildikó (szerk.) Mosaics on Memory Development and Cultural Learning. (pp. 4-15). Budapest, Magyarország : Eötvös Loránd University.