Marno Hanna


Dr. Hanna Marno
Researcher, Associate Professor

My studies focus on investigating the role of social partners in the learning processes of young children, that is, how cognitive development is influenced by the way the environment conveys information to children. We are looking for answers to several questions. For example: how do young children acquire knowledge about the world through observing the behavior of others or direct teaching? Is the way children represent rules influenced by their belief about what they would need to use these rules for in the future? During language acquisition, what cues do they rely on to identify the meaning of words that are unfamiliar to them? We explore the different aspects of social learning by studying the abilities of children and other species to gain a complete picture of the origin and evolution of social information transfer.


(36-1) 461-4500 / 5649


MTMT database




Cognitive Psychology 1. (PSYB17-111), Cognitive Psychology 1. (PSYB19-111)

Kognitív pszichológia 1. (PSZB17-111)

Cognitive Psychology 1. (CCNM17-209)

Human memory (PSZM21-KG-103), Human Memory across the Lifespan; Development, Learning and Forgetting (PSZM21-104:13)




Marno, H., Danyi, R., Vékony, T., Janacsek, K., Németh, D. (2021) Prompting teaching modulates children's encoding of novel information by facilitating higher-level structure learning and hindering lower-level statistical learning. Cognition.

Marno, H.,  (2021) Is two-year-old children’s referential disambiguation of a novel word primarily aimed at identifying the word meaning or at understanding their communicative partner? Developmental Psychology, 57(7), 1058–1066.


Marno, H., Völter, C., Tinklenberg, B., Sperber, D., Call, J. (2020). Learning from Communication Versus Observation: Great Apes Ignore Their Observation When It Contradicts Communicatively Transmitted Information. ISCIENCE-D-20-00805. Available at SSRN: or


Marno, H., Guellai, B., Vidal Dos Santos, Julia Franzoi, Nespor, M., Mehler, J. (2016). Infants’ selectively pay attention to the information they receive from a native speaker of their language. Frontiers in psychology Special Issue. 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01150

Marno, H., Davelaar, E. J., & Csibra, G. (2016). An object memory bias induced by communicative reference. Acta psychologica, 163, 88-96. 10.1016/j.actpsy.2015.11.005

Marno, H., Farroni, T., Dos Santos, Y. V., Ekramnia, M., Nespor, M., & Mehler, J. (2015). Can you see what I am talking about? Human speech triggers referential expectation in four-month-old infants. Scientific reports, 5. 10.1038/srep13594

Marno, H., Langus, A., Omidbeigi, M., Asaadi, S., Seyed-Allaei, S., & Nespor, M. (2015). A new perspective on word order preferences: the availability of a lexicon triggers the use of SVO word order. Frontiers in psychology, 6. 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01183

Marno, H., Csibra G. (2015). Toddlers Favor Communicatively Presented Information over Statistical Reliability in Learning about Artifacts. PloS One, 10(3), e0122129. 


Marno, H., Farroni, T., Mehler, J. (2014) Human speech triggers referential expectation in four-month-old infants. TSPC2014. Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 27-28. 

Marno, H., Csibra, G., Davelaar, E. (2014): Non-Verbal Communicative Signals Modulate Attention to Object Properties. APA PeePs (Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology).

- 2013

Marno, H., Csibra, G., Davelaar, E. (2013): Non-Verbal Communicative Signals Modulate Attention to Object Properties. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 40(2), 752.

Marno, H. (2006). Szándékos és nem szándékos felidézés – avagy nem tudatos szándék? (in Hungarian). Periodicals of Implicit Cognition, 6. (Voluntary and unvoluntary retrieval processes - is there an unconscious control?)

Marno, H. (2006). Pszichoanalizis es intuicio. (in Hungarian) Periodicals of Implicit Cognition, 1. (Psychoanalysis and Intuition)

Marno, H. (2005) A mindennapi értelem. Roger C. Schank: Dinamikus emlékezet. (Recension). Pszichológia. (szerk. Ehmann Bea), 2005/4, Az MTA Pszichológiai Kutatóintézetének folyóirata (Common Sense. Roger C. Schank: Dynamic Memory Revisited, Book review)

Papp, O., Marno, H., Kónya, A. (2004). A narratív szelf emlékezeti tükörben – A reminiszcencia-hatás elméletének kiterjesztése a narratív koherencia irányába. Pszichológiai Szemle Könyvtár. (szerk. Erős Ferenc), 2004/5 (The Narrative Self in the Reflection of the Memory – The Reminiscence Theory and the Narrative Coherence)